The Students

The Students
The Students: Robert, Jack, Kyndall, and Skye

The Whole Gang

The Whole Gang
The Whole Gang: Elieen, Robert, Jack, Kyndall, Skye, Brandy

Friday, July 1, 2011

Cooking Camp - Day 6

Started the day making Grandma Bev's Grits.  Some of the kids had never tasted grits - but everyone liked them.  We learned an important lesson about multiplying fractions.  4 x 1/4 is not the same as 4 x 1!  The students were then told about their "Final Exam".  They were all given new cookbooks and challenged with picking out a recipe to prepare by themselves.  Many groans were heard, but then they eagerly poured through the book to find their perfect choice.

We then prepared for our appetizer party (see separate post), and enjoyed eating and talking with our invited guests (Chris and Grandma Bev).

We then set off for the grocery store.  The students each had to write a list and get the ingredients they needed to make their dishes.  For dinner, it was pasta sauce experiment night.  Each student created their own sauce.  Jack tried a recipe for a carbonara sauce, Robert made a white sauce and then added Italian cheeses to make his own version of Alfredo.  Kyndall and Skye decided to just do their own thing, and each one made a unique tomato  sauce.  We forgot to take a picture when they were done, but you can see that we devoured most of what they created.

Gold star to Kyndall for going "outside the box" and trying a sauce without a recipe that was unique and delicious.

"Master Chef" Eileen presented 2 special gold stars.  These were given to Skye and Robert for being enthusiastic learners.  They were usually the first ones ready in the morning, the first ones ready at their stations, and handled constructive criticism well.  Congratulations.

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